If your DPF warning light or Anti-Pollution warning is on, please do not ignore it (typical dash warning symbols below). Get professional advice, consider your options carefully and attend to the problem. Leaving it will ultimately cost you much more in additional repair bills and it can be dangerous.
By the time your DPF warning lights are visible your DPF will already be significantly blocked. Forced regeneration by a garage or a “blast down the motorway” is not likely to cure the problem, these only work as preventative maintenance. So at this stage realistically you have the following options:-
DPF Regeneration – Quantum dealers can offer a regeneration service
DPF Replacement – Quantum dealers can replace the DPF, normally at a fraction of the main dealer cost.
DPF Cleaning – Many Quantum dealers offer a DPF cleaning service
DPF Recalibration – If you have had your DPF core removed, your Quantum dealer may be able to recalibrate your vehicles ECU to stop your engine going into limp-home mode and clear the DPF warning light. Consumers must be aware of the legal implications (as above) of this being carried out.
DPF removal is legal in certain countries and when used for off-road or motorsport – if in any doubt please take advice.
Clean My DPF